A consortium representative will participate in the trade mission which will take place in Tehran from 24th to 28th September within the Unioncamere Emilia Romagna project called ‘Machinery in Iran: a path of opportunities following the implementation day’. The initiative provides targeted B2B meetings organised by the consortium in charge, presenting member companies within the specific sector of fruit and veg, in both the pre and post-harvesting and irrigation stages.
With over 80 million inhabitants, a GDP of 370 billion dollars in 2013, an average population of about 30 years and a strategic geographical position in the centre of the main trade routes between the Middle East, Europe and Africa, Iran is an extremely interesting country full of opportunities. Cermac was able to remark this at the AGRITECH-AGROPARS trade fair in Shiraz last April. On this occasion, the received inputs immediately gave the measure of a dynamic market and the search for European technologies. From there the decision to continue the activities on this country, with the aim of encouraging the establishment of commercial relations amongst its member companies.